Friday, November 23, 2012

Evaluating Your Designs (Reflection #2)

Great job bloggers!  We have seen some amazing designs and themes emerging from all of you.  Now, the last step in the Design Phase is to create your reflection #2 blog post where you will evaluate the different design mock-ups that you came up with.

Step 1.  Write your 4-5 paragraph reflection:

  • What theme has emerged from your designs? 
    How does this theme relate to or represent you?
  • For each blog template mock-up:
    • explain the choices you made 
    • compare how this design measures up to:
      •  your design specifications (from your Reflection #1)
      • functional blog requirements (your sketch)
      • aesthetic design elements (color, photo, graphic design)
  •  Select your final design and justify your choice by validating against your specifications and other design options.
Step 2.  Add your screen capture images from your Picasa Web Album into the relevant paragraphs of your reflection.

Be sure to use the task specific rubric #2 to guide you as you write your reflection.

To earn a 5 – 6, make sure:

  • You have included a complex and detailed reflection.
  • You have done an excellent job justifying and comparing your designs with the specifications.


  • Your reflection should include at least 4-5 paragraphs.
  • Your reflection should be published on your blog.
  • You reflection should include only answers, not the questions.
  • Each paragraph should be written so the reader can understand the question (without including the question).
  • You are writing for an audience that may not be in our class, make sure to describe things so that anyone could understand.

Due Dates:

  • 8-01:  Nov. 26 (M)
  • 8-02:  Nov. 28 (W)
  • 8-03:  Nov. 28 (W)

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