Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Exploring Mars: A Design Challenge

This week we begin a design challenge to give you all some basic experience in solving problems through design.  Normally we would have weeks to go through the entire process of coming up with the most appropriate solution or product after much time spent researching, planning and building.  For this challenge, a quick start should get us all up and moving.

The Challenge is set and the Specifications have been posted.  In your handout, you've been tasked with completing the first 5 sections of your design challenge handout on your own before coming to our next class.  You should have a fairly clear idea of what you want your vehicle to look like and how it should function.
  • Pay close attention to how you'll provide the propulsion (via stored potential energy transferred to kinetic energy) by connecting your rubber band to the wheels via the axle. (No motors or chemical reactions!)
  • Also you'll need to ensure that your chassis connects to the axle in someway so that the kinetic energy that spins the wheels will also push/pull the chassis forward.
  •  Think about what type of materials provide the best mix of strength, flexibility, grip, and rotation while still being lightweight.
Remember, we'll be providing some of the basic tools you'll need to construct your vehicle. (tape, scissors, glue gun) You're responsible for bringing what materials you've planned on using for your chassis, axles, and wheels.  You'll have about 45 mins of in-class time to follow your plan and build your rover.  So don't forget to collect those great "vehicle" parts from around the house.

 Design Challenge Workbook Handout File

For those of you interested in learning more about how the Mars Rover Curiosity was able to successfully land on the planet, you can check out the following video on Youtube:

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